January 6, 1953: Two Air Traffic control personnel witness a triangular UAP maneuver near Dallas, Texas

by Shiny-Tie-126

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  1. Wyle Moore, who at that time boasted over 14 years of ATC experience and over two dozen years of flight experience; and M.F. Fechenbach, with 10 years of ATC experience; described the object as “delta-winged in shape with [a] large round opening in the center which changed color from orange to red.” The object’s altitude for most of the event remained no higher than 2,500 feet.

    They also observed other unusual features on the “equilateral triangle”-shaped craft, including the leading point of the triangle presenting a “bluish-green” glow with “brilliant white wings.”

    Unlike most sightings involving triangular-shaped craft throughout the annals of UAP/UFO history, this object displayed a tail section (of indeterminate length). The two observers also noted that this tail section exhibited a “fuzzy” glow that changed color from “orange to red to blue.”

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