I’ve been trying to raise the whistle about these plasma entities for a little over a month now and on this sub and some of the other ones I have received a lot of backlash for this information but time and time again the truth is always seeming to be more anomalous than straightforward as aliens from some random planet coming here in their spaceship. when you look at all of the civilian footage and even military footage of these UFOs or UAP, you will see that they have very anomalous behaviors. They shape shift they change they emit light they release other objects. All of these things are Present and a lot of these footage when you start looking into the more mysterious aspects of the UFO phenomenon you start getting into things like remote viewing telepathy now how does that work? Well, consciousness has the ability to be non-localized because of the existence of the ether the space underneath our space which connects every point in the universe together, many people who have encountered aliens or extol, and UFOs say that they felt like the UFO was watching them or there was a telepathic communication with them. This is because these beings have the ability to perceive and as the plasmids they exist in this ether round just as we have our since to smell or see, this real exist I hope that this helps you grasp this concept that these plasmids are a very real part of the phenomenon and anybody who gives time can you go outside and some of them and see them yourself

by Jest_Kidding420


  1. Jest_Kidding420 on

    This is a great video showing the anomalous behavior of these plasmoid entities, you’ll see clear shape shifting color flashing and even releasing light. This is a known phenomenon, that has been studied by many, and even more recently with Harvard doing a study on filming anomalies in the sky who at the end suggest “A shadow biosphere”


    Here is an excerpt from the paper.
    “Transient objects outside the atmosphere and the unknown objects we observed within Earth’s atmosphere. Both displayed reflective glints of light that may indicate something with complex surface geometries, such as polyhedral shapes. There are also similarities in the types of formations, such as objects aligned in linear lines, binary sets, and triangular configurations. We cannot say with certainty that these are all the same objects, but the similarities suggest an intriguing possibility about the transmedium extent of their range

    If no answers are found within the current paradigm, the bigger hypothetical question to ask is, is the 3-Dimensional construct of our senses and perception an accurate representation of reality? Are there extra or higher and more complex spatial dimensions that we cannot perceive but our mathematics tells us are possible? Could a shadow zone or shadow biosphere co-exist with us between these niches (Petkowski, 2016) [32]? In this scenario, an ultra-terrestrial or crypto-terrestrial hypothesis might not be so far-fetched, even if unlikely. We should not be afraid to ask such questions and be willing to explore the possibility that there may be gaps in our understanding of nature, no matter how absurd it may seem. Paradigm shifts in science and thinking have happened before. They are certain to happen again. The fact that human beings are explorers who have reached out to planets and distant stars beyond our own should open the door to the possibility that “Others” may have done the same. The ETH (Extraterrestrial Hypothesis) should also be explored as a possibility, even if considered remote.”

    Also here is another paper looking at the very real footage from the many STS space missions and taking into account many of the Foo fighter sightings.


    I’ll be happy to answer any questions I can!

  2. Extension_Stress9435 on

    Elizondo said there’s intelligent life in space feeding off game rays and other space radiation.

    I guess it’s all nonsense until a talking head like Elizondo or Mellon comes forward and say “ah yes so RV is real”.

  3. Jest_Kidding420 on

    Wow look at how fast this post gets shot down… I swear there a people that don’t want this reality to come to light, because they can’t control it and also it give individuals the realization that you can make contact yourself.

  4. My post gets removed for calling Elizondo Lie Fieri but this guy can make shit up about Plasmoids and Aether and it’s taken seriously? Smfh

  5. reaper421lmao on

    Idk man I used to believe them but there’s simply too many videos on his channel, the odds of them being so commonplace and no one else noticing them is essentially zero.

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