Running a YOLO8 object detection pipeline through an RTSP stream. It categories planes, meteorites, birds, and bugs, anything that isn’t categorized goes into an unknown category. I’ve seen enough of the other objects listed to know this one is extremely weird.
Wondering if there are any other videos from August 24th 2024 around the North East that may match up to this one?
by Terrible_Award_2124
1 Comment
I have a Reolink cx810 streaming in my backyard. I trained a YOLO8 vision model on 100 hours of this stream. The model runs continuously and only records if an object is detected. The pipelines consist of a basic object detection model. If the model detects an object, It moves on to a classification model which determines what the object is. The goal is to identify as much as you can with as much confidence as possible. It makes the likely hood of misidentifying the object in this video as a plane, bug, bird, or meteorite low.