I’m aware that this video has likely been shared on this sub countless times. This footage was taken in Utah from a guy named Brian Hanley in 2016. He claimed that this was B-roll footage for a documentary he was helping put together. He didn’t notice this UFO zipping across his footage until its review (around the 2:36 mark). It showcased an object moving at an incredible speed, making no noise, and incredible turning capability. Several CGI experts have also claimed after their analyses that this footage is in fact authentic and anamalous.

In addition, this video is also relatively difficult to find on YouTube. It initially took off in views when it first got published, then wavered off after several days. If you type the general title of the video on YouTube’s search engine, it fails to show up. Incredibly suspicious and almost seems like it’s being intentionally suppressed. I would love Ross and the News Nation team to allocate the merited spotlight and open a comprehensive investigation on this incredibly compelling case if not done so already.

by Impossible-Sundae-86

1 Comment

  1. Impossible-Sundae-86 on

    This is potentially some of the most compelling public footage of a UFO/UAP displaying the characteristic that we seldom see in videos, which is its extreme speed and maneuverability.

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