A 20-second video from inside a Chinese humanoid robot factory is causing a stir on social media. It shows a variety of highly realistic, partially skinned humanoids under construction.


by Few-Try-2056

1 Comment

  1. Few-Try-2056 on

    The video, uploaded by user meimei4515 on TikTok, is uncredited, but shows several moving androids with “human” hair and skin – in marked contrast to most humanoid robots that are designed to look human. The video shows a row of beautiful cyborgs, highly realistic humanoid heads on stands, a “tree” of mechanical arms, fully human specimens wearing shirts and pants, flexing and rotating their white hands in tandem. It looks, for all the world, like a rougher version of Westworld’s behind-the-scenes workshop.

    Whoever recorded the video says something in Chinese at the beginning, which roughly translates to “before this, employees had already started mass production.”

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