Matthew Pines:

by RetroDevices

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  1. RetroDevices on

    *”David Grusch was doing his duty in making sure he would be absolved by ODNI CAPCO before sharing sensitive CIA HCS-Operations Restricted Handling (RH) information with AARO.*

    *RH is reserved for exceptionally valuable and fragile CIA human source information. Often *single physical cables are hand delivered*, with (sometimes) no record made of their existence in other classified records control systems.*

    *The CIA is *very* protective of this information. Lives and strategic intelligence sources have been lost by widening the circle or mishandling such material.*

    *With all respect to the DoD Special Access Program Central Office and its Director’s memo, the Agency would not be okay with Grusch spilling this info to AARO personnel without their explicit sign-off, especially given the FY23 NDAA ambiguities in protections covering only “UAP-related” programs or activities.*

    *Ditto for NSC SAPs.*

    *See Grusch’s email below and two historical CIA archived docs re: RH cable procedures.”*

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