An Example of Lighting Balloons

by Disastrous-Disk5696


  1. Disastrous-Disk5696 on

    SS: This links to a balloon lighting company in San Diego. It offers an example of what AARO purports *one* of the Eglin UAP is with “moderate confidence”.

    They come is a [variety of sizes and wattages](, but nothing matches the Eglin UAP direcly, and, of course, all these lighting balloons are tethered at multiple points for security, and, it appears, for power.

    Draw your own conclusions, my friends….

  2. BarelySentientHuman on

    Another company is: (apologies for the rubish formatting, I’m typing on my phone).

    It’s interesting the Science and Technology partner in the AARO report mentions ‘many large ballons have red tether points around the[ir] circumference’ as explanation to the red-orange colouring in the centre of the object the pilot saw.  I’ve not been able to find a single example anywhere online.

    Does anyone else have an example they could share?

  3. Ok-Adhesiveness-4141 on

    The conclusion is that AARO’s investigation is a sham. WHY not outsource the whole thing to Mick West’s group.

  4. MummifiedOrca on

    Gaetz is a POS, but I don’t think seeing a photo of one of these would inspire him to make the statements he did.

  5. itsfunhavingfun on

    Thanks. I just asked for a link to the Florida company website in another thread, but this works.  

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