In a controversial podcast, Dr. Stephen Greer has opened up about the people that Michael Herrera, a Marine Veteran, says have been kidnapped. Purpose: their brains and nervous systems are allegedly exploited to provide a telepathic “fix” on the UFOs, bring them into the area, and shoot them down. It is the most detailed claim made so far, owing not only to the Marine but, according to Greer, by an operator who has actually led the program. It involves “transporting these folks from very impoverished areas,” selecting out the psychics, then exploiting their “transdimensional interface” capabilities for “hacking into the guidance and control systems of ET vehicles and bringing them in so we can hit them and kill them.” [](

by paulreicht


  1. IDK OP. Every time I see Greer’s name my skeptic radar has a deafening beeeeeeeeeep! I would take what he says with a grain of salt imo.

  2. PaddyMayonaise on

    Greece’s an interesting guy.

    On one hand he’s done a lot to help legitimize the ufo conservation.

    On the other hand, he comes off as a totally unbelievable quack.

    I wish he kept his focus on coaching highly credible witness testimonies of sightings rather than this consciousness and spirituality rabbit hole

  3. Many will find this unbelievable. The whole scenario sounds like science fiction, as Steven Greer admits. It is worth pointing out, however, the fact that some kind of “mental phenomena” has been a part of the UFO experience across the globe, and recognized back to the days of the government project Blue Book. For example, members of the Navy and CIA consulted a psychic who claimed to communicate with ETs in the 1950s. A naval member tried her medium-like technique–he asked the visitors to make their UFO visible and, to their surprise, they were told to look out the window, where they saw a fully materialized craft. Many witnesses report being “called” or summoned to go outside, upon which they find a UFO visible in the sky. Greer’s claims will be polarizing. Yet it would be tragic if secret military contractors, in their quest to acquire advanced technology, are exploiting a profound faculty of the human psyche and our potential to initiate extraterrestrial contact.

  4. The issue I have with Greer is his constant trope of “free” energy and world shifting technologies freeing “us” from the bonds of economic enslavement. However, it costs THOUSANDS of dollars to do so. Even when Greer had supposed data on free energy, it was “lost” then needed THOUSANDS to decrypt. At what point does the populace play the important part here claims they do?

  5. Visible-Expression60 on

    So Greer is claiming we have a psychic slave trade to use as weapons?

    Is he finally going to raid those facilities with his swat team like he said he could?

  6. When I hear Herrera speak my intuition screams he’s lying. I simply don’t believe him.

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