High, Strangenessers!
Fairly certain this photo of the view from my window seat orbiting Tech-Sektor 7 doesn’t belong here.. I’m not sure it belongs anywhere, for it is not of this world, and not long for it neither.
Anyhow/who, I wasn’t sure where else to turn.. and I figured at the very least someone might find it as cool looking as I do!
I took this photo today using a steel pipe fitting and a glass marble directed at the Sun. It is one of about 15 shots I took in quick succession and none of the other pics look even remotely close to this one, in colour scheme or aesthetic, and the rest are all very similar to each other. Also quite tame in comparison as far as composition..
That’s the extent of my photographic term vocabulary so I’ll get to the point as there is a question in here somewhere, I swear.
Might be difficult to answer but if anyone’s proficient in.. cameras and refraction and what not, I guess? And could possibly shed some light (lol) on how this occurred? Why is the area beyond the threads of the fitting dark as night? Why would just 1 of 15 be an entirely different looking image? Have I created and harnessed a humble yet powerful telescopic remote viewing device and captured cosmic debris from my backyard?
Any and all comments/replies appreciated! Cheers

by Own-Editor-1626

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