AI summary: In the Document Journal’s Spring/Summer 2024 issue, Jacques Vallée and Jeffrey J. Kripal engage in a profound discussion on the intersection of science, history, and the unexplained phenomena of UFOs. Vallée, a French scientist and a pioneering figure in UFO research since the 1950s, emphasizes the historical continuity of human encounters with unexplained phenomena, drawing parallels between modern UFO sightings and ancient stories of Celtic fairies. His extensive research is documented in works like *Anatomy of a Phenomenon* and *Passport to Magonia*.

Jeffrey J. Kripal, holding the J. Newton Rayzor Chair in Philosophy and Religious Thought at Rice University, manages the Archives of the Impossible. This collection includes materials on UFOlogy, parapsychology, remote viewing, and life after death, significantly influenced by Vallée’s contributions. Kripal describes the UFO as a “technological koan in the sky,” suggesting that these phenomena challenge conventional views of reality and offer new perspectives on existence.

The article also references mainstream attention towards UFOs, noting that despite increased governmental and public scrutiny, definitive answers remain elusive. Both Vallée and Kripal advocate for a serious, interdisciplinary approach to studying UFOs, suggesting that these mysteries might lead to a broader understanding of reality.

by KeeperAppleBum

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