Hello I posted here a few days back asking if anyone has seen a specific type of UFO and in that time I had privately chatted and exchanged photos which I had taken back in Arizona with a few people. None of the photos which I tried to take of the silver sphere I saw with my own eyes showed up but there’s a few photos in which other UFOs had shown up

In this first one you can see a pill shaped object in 3 different photos (only one clear) clearing showing that it’s something moving and not a bird or bug. They are all taken in the same minute but at different locations in my backyard.

The second set of images shows two white dots really high up in two different images in the same relative location. I moved positions taking a photo of the plane and it can be seen in different spots of the photo which proves it’s not a smudge or a bird flying.

I’ve been going crazy about these UFOs and honestly I’m more interested to know about the technology and how I can utilize it for fun projects than if it’s some alien species 😂

by Garagedoor_56

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