Newsnation reports 16 minutes of bodycam footage redacted.

Homeland Security placed a 360 degree camera on the families home, just after the incident, a month before the public knew about it.

Homeland security removed the camera the day AFTER the incident went viral, when it was reported on the news and on Reddit.

The cameras were NOT put up to stop harassment.

Government issued Suburbans would watch their homes.

When a journalist approached the home for an interview, law enforcement called Angel to get the journalists license plate number.

Law enforcement, Homeland Security, etc don’t watch homes due to a “hoax.”

Someone took Angels public profile picture, created an account selling alien NFT, and placed his picture on the site. Then said, “See? It’s a hoax. The whole family lied to police,, to get rich off NFT money.”

Pretty brilliant way for the Intelligence Community to “debunk” this event.

by Enough_Simple921

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