Title. Been looking up at the stars my whole life (28) seen many shooting stars, satellites, planes, this was none of those. I stood there staring in utter confusion and disbelief for about 30 minutes.

At first I saw what looked like a very faint satellite, moving similarly, and then it just faded away. Then I noticed two faint stars blink on and off, in different positions, around this brighter “star”. Then I noticed that this brighter “star” was moving. It was “bobbing” around like if you try to touch wrong sides of magnets together, this jittery kind of small movements like it was trying to keep itself in place.

It was around 3 am last night, or I would’ve gone to the first stranger I saw and asked them if they saw this shit too. I’ve always been interested in the paranormal and stuff, while keeping based in reality and remembering that people embellish stories, so to see something weird like this has always been a dream of mine. That being said, after watching this thing and taking the best videos I could with my beat up iPhone mini, I began to get so freaked out and unsettled by what I was seeing. It made no sense. It was just bobbing there like it was watching or waiting for something. I wanted to watch how it would disappear so I just kept staring at it, until I became frustrated that this thing was literally just gonna keep bobbing there. I looked away and lit a cigarette, thoroughly freaked out and confused, honestly hoping I was just imagining this thing moving. Started to tell myself “look if I stare at this star way over here it kind of feels like it’s moving etc…” then I looked back. This fucking thing was not a star and it was still bobbing there, to the point that after looking at other stars and back to it, it made me feel dizzy and unsettled in a way I’ve never felt before. I had to go inside and get in bed to collect myself, which I couldn’t do. After about an hour I had to go back out and look. It was gone. I had to cuddle up to my dog I was so scared lol, and couldn’t sleep until the sun started to come up.

I’m nervous to tell anyone in my life about this because i’m 99.999% I wasn’t imagining what I saw, but I can’t explain it and it sounds so outlandish. Also, I feel the pain of anyone who’s tried to take a video of something like this lol, I recognize that the object (bottom left) looks similar to the star above it. In person it had a “glow” to it instead of a “twinkle”, best way I can describe its light. Has anyone experienced something similar? Northern canada here.

by effyerblueberries

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